Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Spencer - Week 38

Hello again,

Well, some good news happened on Saturday morning - we got a call from the NICU to say they were sending Spencer out of the NICU and up to the 3rd floor, the maternity ward's pediatrics unit!! He is no longer a "medical concern" and now just needs to work on taking his full feeds in order to go home. Apnea and bradycardias are a thing of the past - he has officially outgrown them, thank goodness. He's made his "7 days without" quota, as part of the criteria for going home. Now just for the feeding ...

Spencer is still at the point where he falls asleep part way through a feed. His "full feed" is 61 cc now and I was thrilled when he polished off 41 cc today ... before conking out. I'm hoping that in the next day or two, he will be able to "last" through an entire meal. It's frustrating because this is the final step to going home (48 hours of full feeds) and if he only knew that all he had to do was finish up ... aahhh, come on little buddy! I suppose I should remember this when he's 15 years old and eating us out of house and home as an always-starving teenager, that there was actually a time when he wouldn't finish.

Weight-wise, he's at 7lbs 3oz now, which they're very happy with. The only thing left now is the feeding!!!!

Ok, I'll end there 'cause that's really all there is to say ... please send "staying awake and eating" vibes our way 'cause we are so incredibly close now to saying sayonara to hospital beds!!

Lots of Love,

Tara, Drew & Spencer xoxo

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