Saturday, October 31, 2009

Spencer - Going Home Day!

Hi Everyone,

So, yesterday (Oct 30), we got an early Happy Halloween present ... 4 days before his due date, Spencer got the go-ahead to come home!!!!!! Weighing 8lbs exactly and able to do all that was required of him - take "full feeds" eight times per day, sit in his car seat for an hour after eating, not have any apnea spells for 7+ days (Spencer hasn't had one in weeks) .. he was ready. So, 12 weeks exactly (to the day!) of going back and forth from home to the hospital and the "last time" of doing so finally came. It was a surreal feeling walking out that door - all that time spent thinking the day would never arrive DID in fact finally arrive. A permasmile planted on my face and a spring in my step, Drew and I strapped Spencer in his car seat and made our way home. As we were watching the news together that night, fireplace on, rain coming down, Spencer lying on my chest, I had such a feeling of contentedness. That this was exactly as it should be.

So now starts the life we'd been waiting for - the life as parents of a newborn. It'll be busy, but it'll be wonderful. We are so, so excited. Thank you everyone, for keeping up with our blog all this time. We hope you've enjoyed reading our story!!!

Lots of Love,

Tara, Drew and Spencer xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home, Spencer !!
    Lots of love,
    Gramma and Grampa Staite
