Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Spencer - 36 Weeks Gestation

Hi there,

Well, the first bit of good news is that they found the reason for the increase in apneas. For the first little while, most of the babies are put on caffeine, as it stimulates breathing in little lungs that aren't yet fully developed. Seems funny, as pregnant women aren't supposed to have too much caffeine, but it works for these preemies, so that is what's given. Anyway, the babies are then taken off of it around 34-35 weeks gestation. Because Spencer was doing very well, with no apneas or bradycardias at all, the doctors decided to take him off it on September 22, the very day he turned 34 weeks. And ... in looking back at his chart, the day after, September 23, was exactly when the "crash" started to happen. He was put back on caffeine on Friday, October 2 and has been just fine ever since. So, there's the answer - he just needs his Starbucks for a little while yet! The docs tell me that this happens sometimes, that the babies need to go back on it for a bit longer, "especially boys", I was told. I asked if this time, rather than cold turkey taking him off (which is how it was done), if he could be weaned off instead. The nurses say that's how they think it'll be done this time.

The other bit of good news is that, on Saturday afternoon, October 3, Spencer came off the oxygen!! It was funny how it was done - I was there feeding him and after the feed, the nurse came over and said, "Can I tell you a secret? I turned off the oxygen when Spencer came out of his cot ... he's been breathing on his own this whole time". At first, I was taken aback - I couldn't believe she did that! But then, I realized that during the entire feed, he'd been just fine. The nurse warned me that he may not be able to last, that if I came back the next day and he was back on the low flow, not to worry 'cause he proved that he was able to go on his own at least for a little while, which is still forward progress. Well, that was over 3 days ago and he's still going strong! So, finally!! At 35 1/2 weeks, his little lungs finally became developed enough to function on their own. Again, it's scary to think he needed such help to breathe ... though, I have to keep in mind that it was what the doctors were telling us all along - he just needs time for his lungs, not meant to be out in the real world yet, to mature and grow.

Weight-wise, as of tonight, he's 5lbs 9oz. No infections or illnesses, knock on wood ... oh and the eye doctor came yesterday to give Spencer a check-up and I'm pleased to report that she gave his eyes a "clean bill of health" - no ROP or any eye issues at all! Very, very lucky. I'm thrilled too, of course - being premature can affect the eyes and ears much more readily than being born full-term and I'm SO thankful that Spencer has escaped any issues with either.

The breastfeeding is slow, but steady - it's a learning process for both of us. He's able to take some, the most so far being 15 cc. His feed is at 51 cc every 3 hours at the moment - 15 cc, not being anywhere near full feed yet, means we still have to practice! He knows what to do, it's just building up the stamina to go at it longer. Tomorrow (Wednesday), he's going to get his first bottle (still with breast milk). They say that babies have an easier time with bottles because they're easier to suck, so I'm eager to see how much Spencer will get through that route. I'm also told by mothers that have been there for longer than me that if you agree to bottling, your baby goes home faster, 'cause they're able to reach the 48 hours of full feeds faster on the bottle than they are through breastfeeding. They say to work on breastfeeding once you get home, with the public health nurse's help.

Well, that's all for now ... everything at the moment is status quo. Goals for this week - to be weaned off of the caffeine and to take more than 15 cc either through bottle or breastfeeding!

Have a good week, everyone and stay tuned for next week's update ...


Tara, Drew & Spencer xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tara,Drew and wee Spencer,

    Just to say how wonderful it is to hear how well Spencer is progressing and how incredibly well you two seem to be dealing with waiting to bring your special fella home. We continue to read your blog and send out lots of love and wishes for good health across the pond.

    Love to you three,
    Jas, Paul, Murph and the bub
