Friday, October 23, 2009

October 21/09

Here's me with the first bottle I finished the whole thing of ... without falling asleep halfway through! And look, I'm even still awake enough after finishing to get my picture taken!


  1. Hi Tara,
    Wow, Spencer sure looks like you! That's so lovely. Reading your blog brought back all the memories of Duncan being in the NICU for 3 months...yes, what a rollercoaster!! But thinking about it doesn't make me sad anymore, even though it wasn't a pleasant experience for him. You would never know now that he was a preemie. I'm so looking forward to you taking your wee boy home and watching him grow big and strong. Not long now! You will experience such joy Tara, and so will he. Thinking about you and sending all my positive energy Spencer's way.

  2. Hi Tara,
    Spencer is looking so-o-o-o good, and cute too, of course! He has grown so much! Glad to hear he's getting a good report card mark for "Feeding". Sounds like he's close to "Passing" onward to "Home Studies". Yay!!

