Saturday, August 29, 2009

Spencer - Day 22, Week 30.5 Gestation

Hi Everyone,

The past week has been fabulous for Spencer - no hurdles to speak of at all. He's still on "full feeds" (breast milk only, no IV) and continues to go strong on the CPAP (he breathes on his own and should he "forget" to take a breath every now and then, the CPAP kicks in for a breath to remind him). Next step is no breathing assistance device at all - though his lungs are still developing, so it will be a week or two for that yet. His heart and brain ultrasound both came back normal (thank god). All of his organs are working just as they should be, just small and needing to mature. No infections. No apnea spells or bradycardias (heart rate decline). A very good week.

As of tonight (Saturday, the 29th), Spencer's weight is at 2lbs 15oz. Only grams away from 3 lbs now! Though it's not the most important thing -- the babies aren't released from the hospital until they can coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing all together (this comes at around 34-36 weeks) and have gone 7 days in a row without an apnea or a bradycardia -- they say that the 5lb mark is a good estimate as to when they'll be ready. "Just over 2lbs, Spencer"!

Now that the shock of delivering prematurely has diminished a little (sorry to those of you who said the last blog made you cry!), I'm feeling much better. Every day is a day closer to the day we can bring our sweet little boy home! The tears have subsided and it's full speed ahead from here. Drew and I are at the hospital every day - during the day for a few hours, then home for dinner, then back again at 8pm for the weigh-in and the best part of the day ... holding him! We're still doing "skin to skin kangaroo care", which is where Spencer lays on our bare chest for as long as he is comfortable (the monitors attached to him tell us when he's had enough). We love it when it lasts an hour and a half ... it is the absolute best feeling, as he falls right asleep in our arms.

Ok, that's all for this post (see Mike, told you the rest would be shorter) ; ) We've put some new pictures up as well, so you can have a look at those! Thank you to those of you who commented on the last blog and to the many visitors we've had these past 3 weeks ... it's nice to know how much love and support we have around us!

Lots of Love,

Tara, Drew and Spencer xo


  1. YAY Spencer !!!

    We're so happy to hear that he is doing so well. You must be so relieved and sounds like it won't be long before he will be able to come home. Our thoughts and prayers continue to come your way. Lots of love from Aunt Marie and Uncle Jerry.

  2. P.S.

    By the way ....where's the new pics??? :)

  3. Glad to hear that Spencer is progessing in a positive direction and that your emotional roller-coaster has smoothed out somewhat.
    We are now gearing up for the beginning of school. I am actually happy for you because you don't have to deal with being at school for only a month or two. Enjoy being there for Spencer! We'll be thinking about you!
