Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Spencer!

Hello everyone,

Well, this will officially be my last post. I'm going back to work in September (3 days/week - Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays), so will be needing the time to mark student work, plan lessons, etc. Sure hope you've enjoyed keeping track of Spencer through this blog, though - I've definitely enjoyed writing it!

As of Friday (4 days ago), Spencer weighed in at 26lbs 3oz. He also grew 1 cm in both length and head circumference this month. To "get around", at this point, he log rolls. Yes, log rolls. If he sees a toy he wants and it's out of his reach, this is what he'll do. It's not pretty, but it works, haha! : ) By way of teeth, he's now the proud owner of 4. The top two and the bottom two. Pretty cute it is. Yup, our little boy is indeed growing up!

A cute thing he does these days is when he's given something in his hand (a toy, a piece of food, whatever), he'll "examine" it. He'll look at one side, then turn it around and look at the other side, then he'll shake it a few times. Then, it might go into the mouth after that. It's pretty funny to watch. I know for some babies, everything immediately goes into the mouth, but for Spencer, he likes to take his time and check it out at every angle first.

We haven't had another asthma attack, thank goodness. Clear for the past 6+ weeks now. I'm hoping it won't happen again, but if it does, I'm hoping they won't crop up often. So far, so good. Same goes with allergies - none to speak of to date. In fact, I was thinking about it since Spencer's turned 1 this past weekend and we've been unbelievably lucky when it comes to illness. Especially considering he's a preemie! Aside from the 2 asthma attacks (the initial one was diagnosed as croup, but because it had exactly the same symptoms as the second one, I'm almost certain that an asthma attack was what it was), Spencer's been remarkably healthy. No fevers at all to speak of, not even a runny nose. Knock on wood!! Drew and I don't get sick too terribly often, so I'm hoping that Spencer follows after us in that regard.

We have him signed up for swimming lessons (Waterbabies 2) and music classes this Fall. The daycare we're bringing him to is called Rainforest and it seems fantastic. It's right around the corner, about a 3 minute drive from us. We go for gradual entry three times the week after next, to "ease him in" to the idea. I'm praying it will all go smoothly!!

Well, that's all the new news for now. Again, thank you for reading his blog all these months .. as I said, I've really enjoyed writing it. If you're ever wanting an update, please don't hesitate to call us. We'd love to hear from you!

Lots of love and hugs,

Tara, Drew & Spencer xo

PS - Scroll down to see the birthday party pictures ...


  1. You have done an amazing job of chronicling Spencer's life over the past year! I can't believe a whole year has gone by! See you soon at school. :)

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