Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spencer - 7 Months Corrected Age


So as of today, the 3rd, Spencer's a whopping 7 months corrected! Wow. This afternoon, I just had him weighed and measured .. he is now 23 lbs 7oz - he gained 2lbs 1oz this past month, is 73cm tall (gain of 1cm) and his head circumference is 46.5cm (1 cm gain .. please ignore the typo in last month's update - it said 25.5cm, but it should have said 45.5cm). So, all continues to go well with the growing! As for the percentiles, they are steadily swinging upwards - if compared to other 7 month olds, he is at the 95th for head circumference (last month, 86th), 98th for weight (last month, 93rd) and 93rd for length (last month, 91st). If compared to other almost 10 month olds (chronologically, Spencer will be 10 months on June 7th), he is at the 75th for head circumference (last month, 49th), the 81st for weight (last month, 60th) and the 52nd for length (last month, 41st). We are very pleased!

The biggest news of the month is that Spencer is now the proud new owner of two little teeth! The first one (the bottom left) came in on May 10th and the second one (bottom right) on May 27th. Neither one is completely all the way up yet, but both have cut through the gums, so the most painful part is over. By way of symptoms, he escaped the fever and the crankiness, but got a terrible diaper rash (his first one) that took just over a week of dousing every diaper change with zinc oxide to clear. He's also been waking up once a night to feed again .. has been for the past 2 weeks. Either the teeth or a 6 month growth spurt that's brought that on, I'm thinking. Hopefully, he'll go back to sleeping through the night again very soon!

The eating continues to go well. He has graduated to jarred meat foods now, rather than just the vegetables - things like vegetable beef, chicken noodle dinner, sweet potato and turkey and vegetables, beef and spaghetti. He loves it! He now has one entire jar for dinner (he used to only eat 1/2 a jar) and finishes up with an entire piece of fruit (mainly apples, pears or bananas, but I've given him plums, apricots and peaches too) that I blend up for him. Breakfast is 6-7 tbsp of cereal and one piece of fruit. Definitely a big eater! And still no allergies at all to speak of, thank goodness. Up until today, I have only been feeding him breakfast and dinner because I was told that at his age, he should still be getting most of his nutrients from breast milk/formula, so shouldn't "fill up" on solids. Today at preemie group, though (we go once a month), I was given the go ahead to start giving him lunch and as well, graduating from purees to mashed foods! For lunch today, he got a mashed up avocado (his first time for mashed food, which is a lot chunkier than blended, as well as the first time for avocado) and he loved it! At first, he gave me a funny look, as if to say, "what's this you're feeding me", but as he got into it, he really liked gumming the bits and swallowing them up! Maybe a new mom thing, but I was paranoid he was going to sputter and gag on the chunkier pieces .. but he didn't at all. Next, I'm going to try him with Cheerios. So much fun, this new foods thing - it's a lot of fun to watch his reaction to different tastes and textures!

As for milestones, Spencer is able to roll over both ways (back to front just came recently, but he's been doing front to back for a while now), pick up toys from the floor or ground and transfer them from hand to hand, and is at the stage where he can sit for about half a minute before toppling over. Apparently, sitting up solidly without toppling comes at 8 months corrected, so we still have another month before he'll be able to do that more solidly than he can do it now. He also likes to bang things and loves the copy game, where we bang, he bangs, we bang, he bangs. He makes all kinds of sounds - the latest ones being a "kkk" sound in the back of his throat and a "ppp" sound with his lips pursed tight ... the hardest one to take though is the high pitched scream, followed by a big grin - he is so proud of himself that he's able to make such a loud noise! He doesn't do it often, but when he does, it's ear piercing! His favourite sleeping position is on his back, with his hands up at right angles up and over his head. It's very cute. It'll be interesting to see if he'll always be a back sleeper? It's definitely my least favourite way to sleep! One of my favourite things this past month has been when he falls asleep on my shoulder, as I'm giving him a burp. It is one of the sweetest and most serene moments of my day and I'll never tire of it. He curls up in my neck and I can feel his little breath .. I love every second of it!

Swimming lessons are going well, as is music class. Being put underwater doesn't phase Spencer anymore .. he is perfectly fine with it now. There are two more lessons in this session, then we'll break for the summer and start up again in the fall. Music goes through the summer and I've signed him up for fall classes .. he loves it and I definitely see the benefit of the class.

Well, I guess that's it for now. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for next month's update! Oh, and I'll post some new pictures as well, so please stay tuned for those.


Tara, Drew & Spencer xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures of Spencer! Glad to hear all is going well. :)
