Wednesday, February 3, 2010

3 Months Corrected Age - An Update

Hi Everyone,

Thought I'd write a few lines as an update, rather than just uploading pictures all the time. Having said that, there are 4 new ones up, so please scroll down to have a look! : )

Today, February 3rd, is Spencer's "3 month corrected age" birthday. : ) He is doing very well. Still has yet to get so much as a runny nose ... or even a diaper rash! He's happy and healthy and getting bigger by the day. Just had him weighed today .. 14 lbs 2 oz. Had him measured, too .. 25 1/2 inches. Head circumference ... 16.75 inches. As far as percentiles go, he's at the 53rd for weight, 84th for height and 71st for head circumference. This of course is using a special "premature baby" growth chart, which is what we'll use for the first year and a half or so. After about 20 months they say, he'll have caught up to his peers.

What kinds of things is he doing? He smiles all the time (a pretty easy-going, happy-go-lucky baby so far .. phew!) and "talks" (babbles, coos, etc - such a sweet little sound) and pretty much only cries for two reasons - 'cause he's hungry or 'cause he's on his tummy. He HATES "tummy time", though we're told how important it is for building strong neck, shoulder and back muscles needed for sitting up and crawling ... he screams bloody murder when he's put on his tummy, though - yikes! My solution is, I'll do it for a few minutes at a time and then give him a break.

The best news is ... he sleeps through the night now! Since January 5th (the first night he did it), at 9 weeks corrected age, he's been sleeping from 11pm (ish) until 7am (ish). A few nights, he's even gone slightly longer (9 1/2 hours has been the longest). Can't even tell you how thrilled we are for that ... the sleep deprivation you get from middle of the night feedings is rough! Of course, once he starts teething, etc, we'll likely be back to night-time wake ups ... but for now, we're very happy about it and so thankful for the uninterrupted sleep! : D

We read to him every day and the way he scans the pages and intently looks at the pictures is very cute. He also loves to "stand" on our legs .. we hold on to his hands and with his little legs, he pushes and bobs up and down. So far, he's mastered being able to roll from side to back or side to tummy, but he hasn't managed the complete all the way over, yet. It's coming, though! Another favourite thing he likes to do is suck on his fingers and hands ... he's not a big soother fan (probably a good thing, one less thing to have to wean him from later), but will stick his hands in his mouth and suck away! It's actually quite cute. : )

We're having a ton of fun with him and absolutely love him to pieces. He's a real sweetheart.

Will write again another time. Until then, take care and check back from time to time for more pictures/updates!

Lots of Love,

Tara, Drew & Spencer

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