Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spencer - 6 Months Corrected Age

Hi There,

So hard to believe Spencer is 6 months old (corrected) already! Time sure goes fast. As of today, May 5th, he weighs 21 lbs 6 oz and is 72 cm long. Head circumference is 25.5 cm. From last month, it's a gain of just under 2 lbs weight wise, 3 cm length wise and 1 cm head circumference wise. Again, if you're someone who reads into percentiles, when measured against other 6 month olds, he's in the 86th for head circumference (last month was 84th), 93rd for weight (exactly the same as last month) and 91st for length (last month was 89th). If you were to compare him to other 9 month olds (chronologically, Spencer will be 9 months in two days), he'd be in the 49th for head circumference (was 40th last month), 60th for weight (was 49th last month) and 41st for length (last month was 33rd). Heading in the right direction! All is well on the growing front.

Holy cow, as I mentioned last month, Spencer LOVES food. To date, he's had each of the different cereals (rice, oat, barley, wheat), several vegetables (carrots, peas, squash, green beans and sweet potatoes so far) and quite a few different types of fruit (so far, apples, pears, peaches, bananas, blueberries and raspberries) and he'll happily gobble up whatever is being offered to him ... there hasn't been a single thing he doesn't like! (Thankfully, there hasn't been a single thing he's been allergic to, either). He eats quite a lot, too - he'll have 6 tbsp of cereal AND half a jar of fruit for breakfast as well as half a jar of vegetables and half a jar of fruit for dinner. This is in addition to all the milk he gets in one day! (I nurse him, on average, three times a day and he gets topped up with bottles of formula when we're out and about). He is definitely quite the eater. He also likes those little Baby Mum-Mum rice rusk things and will gum away at those whenever he's offered them.

There are two things that will cause him to cry while eating. One, if you're not putting the food on the spoon fast enough for him (pretty funny) and two, if you finish the bowl and he hasn't had enough yet, he'll let you know it and off you have to go to the kitchen to get more! It's cute. : D We've been feeding him jarred food so far, mainly because at first I was worried that I wouldn't do as good of a job as Heinz or Gerber does at blending the food well enough for there not still to be any little chunks in it that could choke him. Maybe a paranoid first time mom thing, but so be it, haha! : D The past few days though, I've tried making my own applesauce, pears and bananas and that's gone ok. So, I'm thinking maybe I'll do a combination of jarred food and homemade food.

Music class (once a week) and swimming lessons (once a week) are the two "activities" we have Spencer in right now. I think it's just the right amount for a baby of his age - I definitely don't want to be one of those parents who overschedule their kids! The music is outstanding - the teacher is fantastic - and the swimming is something he seems to enjoy. One thing that the instructor (on only the 2nd class!) had the parents do was blow in the child's face so that, by instinct, they'd close their eyes, and then dunk them under the water for a couple of seconds. The first two times Drew put him under, Spencer came up crying, but the third and fourth time, he was fine with it. I guess the thought is to get the babies comfortable with being under water as early on as they can.

Thumb sucking isn't something that Spencer has been doing too much of this month (maybe Drew's idea with the socks on the hands worked!), but he has now taken to sucking on his pointer finger! A funny choice - I've never known a baby to pick that one to suck on, but Spencer loves it - sucking, gnawing and chomping on it a few times a day.

Speaking of chomping, there's no teeth to speak of yet ... but, they're coming. He hasn't had the fever or the red cheeks that I hear can come with teething, but he's been drooling up a storm for the past two months! We'll see when his first tooth breaks - I imagine it may be in the next month or so.

One more thing to mention - 'cause I find it hard to believe - is that Spencer is an outstanding car traveler. Sometimes, I'll think he's asleep 'cause he's so quiet and when I glance in the rearview window to see, he's just sitting there, as relaxed and content as can be, looking out the window at the passing cars, trees, etc. It's awesome ... and I sure hope he'll be like that when he's older, rather than being one of those "are we there yet" and "how much longer" kids (like his mommy was)!

Well, I guess that's it for this month. Hope you enjoyed the update and if you have a chance, scroll down for this past month's photos - there's 5 of them.

Alright, stay tuned for the next installment of the "Life and Times of Spencer" in another four weeks' time!

Tara, Drew & Spencer xo

May 2o10

Yup, we're the family of Canucks' fans!

Come on boys, it's Spencer's first ever Stanley Cup Playoffs ... bring home the prize!

May 2010

Conked out in the high chair after a big dinner of carrots and pears ... amazing how babies can fall asleep anywhere!

April 2010

Here's me in my Jolly Jumper! Now if only I can get the hang of actually jumping in it!

April 30, 2010

Look at me with my Baby Mum-Mum! Mmmm, it's good!

(And my mom is happy that it looks like I'll be a "righty" ... and she says she's only allowed to say that 'cause she herself is a "lefty" ...)

April 2010

A long day of playing, smiling, giggling, eating, pooping ... repeat repeat repeat ... really tires a little guy out!