Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spencer - 4 Months Corrected Age

Hello there,

Just wanted to give a written update, since today is Spencer's 4 month "corrected age" birthday! Wowsers, time goes quickly. STILL no runny noses, fevers or diaper rashes (knock on wood) ... he continues to be a healthy and happy little guy. Today, I had him weighed and measured - he now weighs 16lbs 9oz (up 2lbs 7oz from last month), he's 26 inches long (up 1/2 an inch from last month .. doesn't sound like much, but gaining 2lbs 7oz in one month is quite a bit, so it seems he's been using his energy for that!) and his head circumference is 43.5cm (up 1.5 cm from last month). As far as percentiles go, he's 73rd for weight, 85th for length and 81st for head circumference. Weight has gone up pretty drastically from being in the 53rd percentile from last month .. definitely a lot of energy spent packing on the ounces this past month!

As for new things he's doing, he can hang on to (grasp) toys now. He still hates being on his tummy, though his head/neck are just fine by way of strength .. they have not been wobbly for the past 3 weeks or so. From what I hear, babies just "all of a sudden" grow into liking being on their tummies; suddenly, they like the view of the world they get at that angle. Still waiting on that for Spencer. This past month, we've started brushing his teeth .. well, his gums, anyway since he doesn't have any teeth yet .. the dentist told me that Spencer will have an easier time later letting us brush his teeth, if we start him off young. We use Gerber apple/banana flavoured toothpaste (which doesn't have any fluoride). He doesn't mind us brushing his teeth at all - he'll happily open his mouth for us and let us brush away. He's not a big fan of having his hair brushed, though .. I have a soft baby brush I use and he shies away from it. Kind of funny. He's also graduated to a bigger bath! He no longer fits in the infant baby bath we had for him, so I bought him a different one that is supposed to be the one to use in between the baby bath and the regular bath. Spencer's always quite liked bath time - just sits and listens to all the goofy songs I sing to him. Still a big fan as well of sucking on his hands (and thumbs, for that matter .. hoping this habit doesn't progress!)

Spencer now goes to a once per week Music Class. It's fabulous. The teacher is outstanding. There's singing, dancing, instruments, a little bit of baby massage and we're taught a new sign (for baby sign language) each week. Not bad for a 45 minute class. Next, I want to get him into baby swimming lessons.

For the past 6 days, Spencer has decided to wake up for a feed in the middle of the night again ... he hasn't done that since January 5th! It's just for 15 mins or so, then once he's fed, he drifts back to sleep, but now that I know there's been quite a bit of weight he's put on this past month, I'm thinking (hoping!) it's just a growth spurt and we can enjoy the peaceful, full nights of sleep once again as soon as it's over. I know, I know, I won't get my hopes up 'cause teething is right around the corner ... but a few more weeks of blissful sleep would be fantastic! : D

The newest and cutest thing Spencer has been doing these days is, he's found his voice and can't get enough of listening to it. For the past couple of weeks now, he babbles and gabs at the top of his lungs - "talking", we call it. My favourite time of day used to be when he'd greet me with a big ear to ear grin when I went to get him from the crib in the morning. Now, my favourite time of day is when he greets me in the morning with a big ear to ear grin AND a happy, excited squeal. It's absolutely adorable, I will never tire of it.

Well, that's about it for now. Hope those of you still reading this are enjoying the updates ... stay tuned for more pictures and another update next month!


Tara, Drew and Spencer xo